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Photo du rédacteurDAKHAMA MEHDI

Easy-OU-TO-SCCM (Free tool for SCCM Community)

Easy create collection SCCM based on OU

News in Version 3

You can enter the specific name for collection, or leave defaut name OU.

News in Version 2

You can choose the limiting collection for device collection.

About : Easy-SCCM-TO-OU : Is a free tool for Microsoft users, developped by DAKHAMA MEHDI. This tool help you to create collections based on organizational units in Active Directory, for deploy applications and packages for specific users and devices. This tool permit to ease work and save a lot of time.


Install module Active-Directory (for server or RSAT for client post) have the SCCM console installed on the post (Or import file configurationmanager.psd1)


Open the file .Exe with admin priviliege, if you have two module en red, (Module-AD and Check-PSD1) install it and refresh

to install MODULE-AD :

  • On Windows Server enter this command on powershell : Install-windowsfeature rsat-ad-powershell #(that will take 10 secondes)

  • On Windwos 10 : Install the Rsat tool, if not done yet.

to install module Configurationamanger :

Click File => Select File => and chose the file, by default hi is in "c:\program files(x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\Bin\ConfigurationManager"

Import The OU : select the OU in graphical panel, and click Create User or Device, you can also change refresh interval.

All your Feedback is welcome. Thanks, Best Regards,

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